Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation

(recently concluded project)
The Sacred and the Spectacular
I take you on a virtual expedition of my interdisciplinary Doctoral research, “The Sacred and the Spectacular: Performance of Diasporic Consciousness through the Material Culture of Brazilian Candomblé”. If you have your tentacles up in curiosity over cultural politics, cultural evolution and the progressive exercise of political influence by diasporic communities through its material production, then welcome, there`s a lot to explore!
My project traces the ways in which the mobility of artefacts enforces a continued impression of diasporic consciousness on the one hand and how on the other, visual representations have supported the creation of a symbolic cultural identification of Brazil. The project emphasises parallel yet antipodal developments stemming from visual representations of the practice of Candomblé while investigating the liminal spaces between esoteric and exoteric enactments of a once-threatened homogenous people and practice.
I aspire to integrate disciplinary concepts such as Material Culture, Cultural Performance Theory, Iconic Criticism, and Diasporic Consciousness in order to engender a more comprehensive appreciation of the topics of my research.
In between visits to ethnographic museums, archives, workshops, seminars, and my fieldwork in Bahia and Sao Paulo (all of which I will share here), I will be typing away at either of my work desks at the Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Bern, Switzerland or Centro de Estudos de Religiosidades Contemporâneas e das Culturas Negras (Centre of Contemporary Religiosities and Black Cultures), University of São Paulo, Brazil.